International Journal of Social Science and Community Service 2024-11-20T05:26:18+00:00 Dr. Sholikhan Open Journal Systems <div style="border: 2px #FAF63D; padding: 10px; background-color: #2c94a140; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li>Journal Title : International Journal of Social Science and Community Service</li> <li>Initials : IJSSCS</li> <li>Frequency : Quarterly, ( January, April, July and October)</li> <li>Print ISSN : -</li> <li>Online ISSN : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3047-5406</a></li> <li>Editor in Chief : <a href=";hl=id&amp;oi=sra" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dr. Sholikhan</a></li> <li>DOI : 10.70865</li> <li>Publisher : CV. Proaksara Global Transeduka</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"> </p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>International Journal of Social Science and Community Service</strong> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal which publishes result from scientists and engineers in many fields of science and technology. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using the double-blind review method.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This journal is published Every <strong>January, April, July and October</strong></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">For the author interested in submitting the manuscript, kindly ­<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>register</strong></a> yourself. The author guidelines can be viewed here, and the manuscript template can be <a href=";id=1jTUEQJkquj-Quc-BXc4PXtkkOT9HRgHS" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download Here!</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Already have a Username/Password for International Journal of Social Science and Community Service go to the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>login</strong></a></p> Simba Kuat: Implementation of an Environmental Cadre Program from School to Village Level in Keluang Village, Tunkal Ilir, South Sumatra 2024-09-02T03:10:24+00:00 Eka Aprillia Wawan Hendrawan Risang Raditya Abistya <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Since its inception in 2021 at SMP Negeri 2 Tungkal Ilir, the Synergy Towards a Healthy and Civilized School (Simba Sehati) program has successfully produced environmental cadres through the concept of an environmentally friendly school. Students have become familiar with and skilled in applying Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS), environmental conservation efforts, and organic farming. The skills acquired include waste bank management, maggot cultivation from organic waste, wastewater treatment, biopore hole creation, hydroponic cultivation of Family Medicinal Plants (TOGA), fish farming in buckets ("budidamber"), and public health. This year, the Simba Sehati program is being implemented at the village level under the Synergy of Ramba Field Towards a Clean and Healthy Keluang (Simba Kuat) program, with the village community as the beneficiaries. In its development, the Simba Kuat program involves environmental cadres actively transferring knowledge to community groups. The program aims to improve the health and environmental quality of Keluang Village and create opportunities for additional income for the residents.</span></em></p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eka Aprillia*, Wawan Hendrawan, Risang Raditya Abistya Training on Identifying Buyer Behavior in the Business Market for SMEs 2024-08-31T07:22:49+00:00 Ardiansyah Rasyid Claudya Aurellia Meilani Anastasya Michelle Natalie Sherlyn Marcella <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">In today's era, business actors purchase goods and services for use in the production of their products and services with varying behaviors. In the business market, there are various buyer behaviors that require more consideration in making purchasing decisions. There are four factors that can influence purchasing decisions in the business market. The partner in this activity operates a mochi snack business located in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. In its operations, the partner faces challenges, particularly in identifying buyer behavior in the business market. The training activity for the partner was conducted online via Zoom. The purpose of this activity is to assist the partner in enhancing their knowledge of identifying buyer behavior in the business market. The method used in this activity involves training on identifying buyer behavior in the business market, focusing on how the partner interacts with their surroundings, so that the problems faced by the partner can be addressed through the training and solutions provided. The outcomes of the activity include publications in journals and intellectual property rights (HKI).</span></em></p> 2024-09-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ardiansyah Rasyid*, Claudya Aurellia, Meilani Anastasya, Michelle Natalie, Sherlyn Marcella Analysis of Road Damage Using the Bina Marga Method on the Lamongan City - Mojokerto Border Road Section 2024-07-23T06:29:16+00:00 Anang Mashudi Haris Muhammadun Risma Marleno <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Road as an important facility for the community to achieve a desired goal both mobilizing goods and services. On the Lamongan City – Mojokerto Regency Border Road Section of STA 20+000 - 26+000 based on the field has experienced a decrease in road services that are not stable / comfortable with a lot of damage to the road. This study aims to determine the priority order value of road surface damage based on the Bina Marga method, determine the handling of road maintenance and the cost of handling road maintenance based on the two methods. From the results of the research, the priority order value of road damage on the Lamongan City - Mojokerto Border Road Section of STA 20+000 - 26+000 with the Bina Marga method is the priority order value of road damage 5.5, this includes a periodic maintenance handling program, the cost of handling road maintenance with the Bina Marga method is Rp. 9,479,663,479.46.</span></em></p> 2024-08-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anang Mashudi*, Haris Muhammadun, Risma Marleno Analysis of Cost and Time To Complete of Office Project with The Earned Value Method 2024-08-05T03:50:47+00:00 Linda Nailufar Budi Witjaksana Esti Wulandari <p><em>The rescheduling of the initial schedule carried out on the Bahtera Elang Perak Indonesia Office Construction project has an impact on increasing the duration of work causing the project completion target to be delayed from the time it should be. Increasing the project completion target can affect the amount of costs incurred. The contract value for this office construction project is Rp. 13,908,226,157 with a work duration of 43 weeks to 54 weeks. The current condition of work progress at week 31 is -0.225% while the total actual cost or that has been incurred during the work is Rp. 3,191,740,254. To overcome this, an analysis is carried out on the value of the estimate at complete (EAC) and time estimate (TE) of the Surabaya BEPI Office Construction Project using the earned value method. This method combines the elements of cost, schedule, and work performance. The earned value method aims to determine the estimated cost and time of project completion. From the results of the analysis conducted in the 41st week, it was obtained that the estimated cost and time to complete the project implementation (EAC) was 14,289,833,105, - and the estimated time (TE) was 499 days, which was 121 days later than the original schedule.</em></p> 2024-08-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Linda Nailufar*, Budi Witjaksana, Esti Wulandari Sensitivity Analysis of Revenue Potential in The Evaluation of East Surabaya Hospital Investment 2024-08-05T03:51:05+00:00 Arianti Widi Astasari Wateno Oetomo Sajiyo Sajiyo <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">As one of the largest cities in Indonesia, the City of Surabaya has an obligation to provide excellent health services for its residents. It goes without saying that Surabaya City Government is required to provide a General Hospital that can receive referrals from the government-owned Community Health Centers. For this reason, the Surabaya City Government built the East Surabaya Hospital which is located in Rungkut Sub-District. East Surabaya Hospital is a strategic project that requires investment feasibility analysis. The East Surabaya Hospital investment feasibility analysis was done by applying the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) parameters. After the feasibility analysis results were obtained, a sensitivity analysis was done on changes in management costs and the amount of health service levy rates for each Fees alternative. Based on the results of the investment feasibility analysis of 4 (four) Fees alternatives, there are 2 alternatives that can be concluded as worthy investments, which are alternative 1 and alternative 3. Meanwhile, alternative 2 and alternative 4 are not feasible since the NPV parameter shows negative values and the IRR value is lower than the MARR value. However, based on sensitivity analysis, alternatives 2 and 4 can be feasible if alternative 2’s service rate is increased by 13.2%, and alternative 4’s service rate is increased by 2.3%. The opposite applies in alternative 1 where the investment might become unfeasible if the service rate is reduced by more than 5.4% and alternative 3 might become unfeasible if the service rate is reduced by more than 2.5%.</span></em></p> 2024-08-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arianti Widi Astasari*, Wateno Oetomo, Sajiyo Effect of the Implementation of Employee Training & Development Programme on Employee Performance 2024-09-12T09:48:23+00:00 Abrori Indra Setiawan Daris Zunaida Ainul Chanafi <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">This study aims to understand and assess the impact of the Implementation of Employee Training &amp; Development Programs on Employee Performance (Case Study of PT. Federal Internasional Finance (FIFGROUP) Batu City Branch), both individually and overall. The research method used is quantitative. The data collection technique applied is a questionnaire. The data analysis methods employed include the measurement of instruments, encompassing validity and reliability testing, classical assumption testing, which covers normality, linearity, multicollinearity, and heteroscedasticity tests, as well as hypothesis testing, which includes multiple linear regression analysis, t-test, F-test, and determination coefficient. The findings of the study indicate that both variables, namely the employee training &amp; development programs, have an individual impact on employee performance (case study of PT. Federal Internasional Finance (FIFGROUP) Batu City Branch). Additionally, the employee training &amp; development program variables also have an overall impact on employee performance (case study of PT. Federal Internasional Finance (FIFGROUP) Batu City Branch).</span></em></p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abrori Indra Setiawan*, Daris Zunaida, Ainul Chanafi Acceleration Cost Analysis with Critical Path Method 2024-07-23T06:29:00+00:00 Ade Sholeh Hartawan Budi Witjaksana Esti Wulandari <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">In a construction project, preparation work typically includes tasks related to setting up work facilities, conducting field investigations, obtaining permits, and non-structural activities. The Jakarta Sewerage Development Project Zone 1, Package 2, which involves the construction of sewers in Area 1-1, is currently in the preparation phase and is experiencing challenges due to a complex permit process. This has led to minimal progress as the initial project planning did not consider the time needed to secure the necessary permits for implementation. The author is therefore evaluating the project timeline to gauge performance during the preparation phase before actual construction begins. This study utilizes the Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling technique in Microsoft Project to pinpoint critical activities. Upon analysis, it was found that the budget plan for Package 2 of the Jakarta Sewerage Development Project (Zone 1) was detailed and included various work descriptions, with a total budget of IDR 862,292,086,196. However, delays have occurred, resulting in a 17-day setback in the project schedule, necessitating work acceleration. To bring the project duration back in line with the original schedule as per the contract, acceleration was required. This was carried out on the Shaft Construction C-8.1, which was initially set to take 80 days but was shortened to 63 days through time acceleration, incurring a cost of IDR 23,279,288.</span></em></p> 2024-08-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ade Sholeh Hartawan*, Budi Witjaksana, Esti Wulandari Analysis of Investment Sensitivity in The Construction of The Gelora Bung Tomo Surabaya Circuit 2024-07-23T06:29:09+00:00 Leo Agus Sulistianto Budi Witjaksana Esti Wulandari <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Provision of Sports Prasarana is an attempt to fulfill the basic rights of the public to obtain services in sports activities, as listed in Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2022 concerning Sports 2022. The growing automotive industry is one important sector that significantly contributes to Indonesian economic growth. Based on the Surabaya City for 2021-2026 calls for the creation of an integrated area, with the Gelora Bung Tomo area serving as an international sports center and integrating with the growth of trade and service functions in Surabaya's surrounding areas. The aim of this study is to measure the amount of investment income and revenue limits in an effort to reduce the risks associated with the investment in the circuit. We carry out flow calculations using the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), and Payback Period (PP) methods, and then analyze the sensitivity. We reviewed the sensitivity analysis based on several parameters, including commercial rent income and circuit management costs. The development of Tomo's Gelora Circuit is sensitive to a loss of income from the rental of business or commercial premises of 8%, which will affect a decline in profit, resulting in a negative net present value (NPV) and prolonging the rate of return. Additionally, it is sensitive to an increase in management costs by 12%.</span></em></p> 2024-08-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Leo Agus Sulistianto*, Budi Witjaksana, Esti Wulandari Education on Stroke Prevention for the Elderly in Gampong Bada, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar 2024-10-09T03:40:11+00:00 Nanda Desreza Rizkidawati Rizkidawati Edy Cahyady Siti Aisyah Nisvi <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Stroke is a condition characterized by rapidly developing clinical signs of focal and global neurological deficits, which may worsen and last for 24 hours or more, potentially leading to death. The purpose of this activity is to enhance the community's understanding of stroke prevention to avoid its complications. This activity was carried out in Bada Village, Aceh Besar. The participants who attended in person were 18 residents of Bada Village. The method of this community service activity was conducted in the form of counseling and discussion.The event took place on August 14, 2024, starting at 09:30 AM until it concluded. The activity began by registering the participants, followed by an explanation of the event's objectives and material related to stroke, its causes, and complications. From the event, it was found that the community's understanding of poor dietary habits (low in fiber), low physical activity, and excessive salt use in cooking was lacking. Hence, it is recommended for those at risk to improve their lifestyle, eating habits, and rest patterns, and for families to continuously provide strong motivation to family members who are already at risk.</span></em></p> 2024-10-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nanda Desreza*, Rizkidawati, Edy Cahyady, Siti Aisyah Nisvi Analysis on the AIDCA Method in Website UX Design Copywriting 2024-10-15T03:05:57+00:00 Fatkhur Rochman Abdul Waris S. Eko Boedhi Santoso Izzatul Ulya <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">This study aims to evaluate the quality of copywriting on the Papillon's Sisters website using the Heuristic Evaluation method which focuses on the AIDCA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Conviction, Action). The evaluation is conducted through direct observation of the main pages of the site, using an AIDCA-based checklist to measure the effectiveness of copywriting in attracting attention, maintaining interest, arousing desire, building conviction, and encouraging user action. The data collected was analysed qualitatively by giving a severity rating to each problem found, ranging from Good Practice to Major Issue. The results showed that copywriting on the website has some strengths in terms of consistency of writing and attractive visuals, but there are deficiencies in the emotional aspects of language, lack of detailed product descriptions, and ineffective calls-to-action. From the evaluation, 5 major issues, 4 normal issues, 2 minor issues, and 1 good practice were found. This research provides recommendations for improvement, such as the use of more emotional language and improved visual layout to increase user engagement and conversion on the Papillon's Sisters website.</span></em></p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fatkhur Rochman*, Abdul Waris S., Eko Boedhi Santoso, Izzatul Ulya Utilization of Gamification-Based Media in an Effort to Make Learning Fun and Change the Mindset of Parents About the Importance of Children's Education 2024-10-17T04:35:12+00:00 Wening Patmi Rahayu Rachmad Hidayat <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">The use of technological and informational developments in education today needs to be implemented selectively. This selective approach aims to make educational activities more meaningful and help achieve desired learning goals. One such technological development is the utilization of gamification-based learning media. Gamification media is designed to be engaging, combining games with educational content. This approach benefits students during learning activities, as they remain engaged and understand the material better. In this context, parental involvement in children's education is equally important in supporting the development of learning activities. Community service activities integrated into learning programs help maintain quality standards and positively impact educational outcomes. Quality education, in turn, helps create quality human resources. Teachers can effectively utilize gamification media to enhance their lesson material. The success of these community service activities represents one approach to improving the distribution of quality education for all.</span></em></p> 2024-10-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Wening Patmi Rahayu*, Rachmad Hidayat Taro Potato Sustainability Innovation : As an Alternative to Bioramah Rice Wrapping for Farmer Groups in Blitar Regency 2024-11-13T04:37:45+00:00 Yuli Agustina Evi Susanti Fadia Zen Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">This study explores the sustainability innovation of taro potato as an alternative to environmentally friendly rice wrapping, aimed at farmer groups in Blitar Regency. The research investigates the potential of taro potato, a locally abundant and underutilized resource, to replace traditional non-biodegradable materials used in rice wrapping. By introducing taro potato as a sustainable alternative, the study seeks to provide an eco-friendly solution that aligns with the growing demand for green practices in agriculture. The findings indicate that taro potato-based wrapping not only reduces environmental impact but also adds value to local agricultural products, thereby supporting the economic sustainability of farmer groups in Blitar Regency. This innovation has the potential to enhance environmental stewardship and promote sustainable agricultural practices within the community.</span></em></p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yuli Agustina*, Evi Susanti, Fadia Zen, Muhammad Mujtaba Habibi Training on Customer Driven Value Marketing in Improving Customer Satisfaction on SME Products 2024-11-13T04:38:26+00:00 Nur Hidayah Darrell Christopher Darren Jonathan <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Customer driven value is a marketing approach that takes social and environmental responsibility into account, while meeting consumer needs and business interests. It also emphasizes the importance of caring for and increasing the capacity of future generations to meet their needs. The activity partner is engaged in a culinary business located on the east ring road, Mulyo 2 RT 28 Kel Talang Bakung, Paal Merah Jambi. In its activities, it faces problems, especially in terms of customer driven value. This activity aims to support partners in increasing understanding of marketing based on the value that must be provided to customers, so that partners can increase competitive advantage. The method of this activity focuses on customer driven value, especially in terms of how business owners interact with the environment and related interests. This strategy also assists partners in efforts to increase the value of products aimed at customers by providing more experiences that can increase customer satisfaction. The activity method is carried out through offline training through the zoom application. This activity expects partners to increase value to customers in marketing their products. The results of the activity show that the implementation of the training went smoothly, the partners enthusiastically accepted the material presented by the PKM leader.</span></em></p> 2024-11-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Hidayah*, Darrell Christopher, Darren Jonathan Digital-based Creativity Transformation: Implementation of E-Learning Media at Sanggar Belajar Indonesia in Sungai Mulia Kualalumpur Malaysia 2024-11-20T05:26:18+00:00 Madziatul Churiyah Andi Basuki Rifqi Wafy Azzuhri Ghina Rahima Izza Ramadhani Sholikhan Sholikhan <p class="Abstract"><em><span lang="TR">Digital transformation is being implemented in Sanggar Belajar Indonesia, Sungai Mulia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, through this community service project. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of digital learning materials in improving students' memory retention compared to traditional teaching methods. The study used a qualitative methodology and involves training teachers in the creation of digital learning materials. Compared to traditional approaches, the results revealed a 42% improvement in students' memory of the material, and 78% of the implementation's success was attributed to teacher preparation. Improved teacher competency in creating digital learning resources suitable for primary school pupils' concrete operational level was the outcome of the extensive training program. A methodical approach that blends ongoing training with the creation of technology-based learning materials has demonstrated the efficacy of digital transformation in education.</span></em></p> 2024-11-23T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Madziatul Churiyah*, Andi Basuki, Rifqi Wafy Azzuhri, Ghina Rahima Izza Ramadhani, Sholikhan